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Our office: Carrer de Montserrat, 28, Baixos 08500 Vic, Barcelona España.
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Official World Record FAQ's

    How are winners selected?
    Our team of professionals conducts comprehensive market research, both online and in-person, taking into account fundamental factors such as spaces, hygiene, direct and indirect service, as well as reputation, credibility, brand awareness, luxury experience, excellence, and personalization.
    What benefits come with winning OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD LUXURY?
    Global recognition ensures the highest quality and pioneering excellence. Winner logos not only enhance credibility and loyalty but also broaden brand exposure to new markets. Additionally, winning products will stand out on our website and social media throughout the candidacy stage, gaining exceptional visibility. If they secure victory, this privileged position will be amplified, ensuring an even more prominent presence and constant validation in the luxury market.
    How can I apply for OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD LUXURY awards?
    Join the league of excellence by filling our online form in APPLY NOW. Alternatively, contact us via email for guidance.
    Who is eligible to apply for OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD LUXURY awards?
    Open to international luxury brands and local companies. Eligibility is based on a commitment to perfection in any industry sector.
    What happens after I submit my OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD LUXURY application?
    After submission, receive an email confirmation detailing your participation, providing essential information. Customized studies are conducted according to needs, either through product shipment, documentation submission, or on-site evaluation, depending on the category and evaluation requirements. It is essential that candidates be willing to cover any associated costs to apply as the best in the world.
    What are the costs associated with OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD LUXURY nominations?
    The costs vary depending on the category. As candidates, they will benefit from quarterly ads on social media and a website that can be updated every 3 months. If not chosen, they will remain on the list of candidates for the year with a link to their company or social network and will pay a small annual maintenance fee.
    Winners will make a second payment that will grant them a presence on our social media, a permanent page with the option to make updates every 6 months. They will also have a small annual maintenance fee and receive a certificate and trophy indicating their position on the list at the country, continent, or global level. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to hire our digital marketing services at special prices to manage both our internal website and their external one.
    How often is the OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD LUXURY study conducted?
    It takes place annually, assessing thousands of products across more than 100 categories from 120 regions, unveiling a TOP list of the best on a country, continent, or global level.
    How does participating in OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD LUXURY impact my brand?
    Participating provides recognition, credibility, and global exposure, enhancing your brand's status and connecting it with a new market of high-profile consumers. This process also significantly boosts the growth in capital and recognition of your brand, elevating it to new heights of success and prominence.
Join an exclusive league of luxury and let your extravagance be celebrated on a global stage

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