About Us

Elevating Luxury to New Heights
Recognizing Excellence in Elegance

World Record Luxury:
Celebrating Magnificence

At World Record Luxury, we are dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the pinnacle of luxury. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we distinguish and honor the best establishments, services or objects in the world. Join us on the extraordinary journey of revealing the zenith of opulence and establishing incomparable standards and permanently revaluing your establishment, services or objects with the guarantee of having been recognized and placed on the list of the best in your country, continent or in the world.

World Record Luxury is the only global entity endorsed by the Official World Record organization, and its institution has the unique distinction of being the only entity endorsed by the relevant notarial records. In addition, it is duly registered as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in both the United States and the European Union.


Our Commitment
  • Revaluation of your property
  • Prestigious Seal of Distinction
  • Rigorous Selection Process
  • Global Recognition
  • Unparalleled Standards
  • Unveiling the Best in Luxury
Unveiling Excellence

Where Distinction Meets Perfection.

Global Recognition

Reach new heights with our global recognition. We celebrate businesses that have left an indelible mark on a worldwide stage, setting standards that transcend borders.

Bespoke Experiences

Crafting bespoke experiences is our forte. We honor entities that go beyond expectations, providing tailor-made luxury that reflects the epitome of exclusivity.

Unrivaled Elegance

Experience unrivaled elegance at its finest. We showcase entities that define elegance in every detail, setting the standard for sophistication and refinement.

Join the Distinction Experience

Explore the opportunity to be recognized among leaders of excellence.
We invite outstanding companies to join our exclusive community and participate in the ongoing pursuit of distinction in the world of luxury.
Join an exclusive league of luxury and let your extravagance be celebrated on a global stage

Be recognized worldwide